C++ Header Files
I have provided two header files that I have made. I have given detailed description of the functions in the header file in it. I have zipped or compressed the files for lessening its size. So when you download it, unzip it first and copy it to where other header files of C++ is stored to use it in your program. I hope that this will be of any use to it.
NOTE : Please don't use two of my header files in the same program. It is not working in my system. I don't know why. If you do, contact me.
Visuals.h | Download File |
1. Letter By Letter |
Function | void lbyl(char text[50],int delay,int distance) |
Description | Displays One Letter at a time with a specified delay and distance between letters. |
Example | lbyl("Binny Made This",200,0); |
2. Words |
Function | void words(char text_1[25],char text_2[25]) |
Description | Displays a pretty screen with the first text on top and second one on the middle. Then a line is drawn under it and the user is asked to press any key. |
Example | words("Binny is ","The One"); |
Note | Graphics must be declared |
3. Loading Pie |
Function | void loadpie() |
Description | Displays a pie(circle) with two colours and one colour will fill the pie after some time. When this is compleated, the text will change and function ends. |
Example | loadpie(); |
Note | Graphics have to be initialised before this function. |
4. Loading Bar |
Function | void loadbar() |
Description | Displays a bar whose length increases till it fills the box and a specified delay. It also puts a predefined text in a box above. |
Example | loadbar("Loading",150); |
Effects.h | Download File |
1. Interactive Menu |
Function | int BackMenu(int PosX,int PosY,int No_of_Items,char Item_1[25],...,Item_8[25],int SelectedBackColor,int DefaultBackColor) |
Description | This can create a menu which will change the item by Up and Down keys on keyboard and return the selected Value.This function supports up to 8 items. It can also support less items (Minimum 2). Returns selected value (no of the item) when Enter Key is pressed. Returns a value of 0 if Esc Key is pressed. |
Example | int g=BackMenu(2,2,6,"One ","Two ","Three","Four ","Five ","Six ","Seven","Eight",LIGHTGRAY,BLACK); |
2. Message Box |
Function | void message(int PosX,int PosY,int No_Of_Lines,char a[50], char b[50],char c[50],char d[50],char e[50],char ButtonText[10],int BackColour); |
Description | Displays a Windows style message box and centelizes the message. |
Example | message(23,2,4,"Hello World","Visit Me at","http://binnyva.tripod.com/code"," Binny.","","OK",YELLOW); |
3. Password Taker |
Function | int passwordtake(char pass[20]) |
Description | Takes in a password by displaying a '*' everytime a key is pressed and compares it to the given argument. If both are same, returns 1. Else the program will return the value 0. |
Example | passwordtake("password") |
4. Password Validator |
Function | void password(char *pass) |
Description | Takes in a password by displaying a '*' everytime a key is pressed and stores it in the given address. |
Example | password(&pass[0]); |
Note | The Password must be in pointer form with '[0]' if it is a array. Ie. password(&pass[0]); |