'; $modified_priority = array(); for ($i=30;$i>0;$i--) array_push($modified_priority,$i); $lowest_priority = 100; $lowest_priority_page = ""; //Process the files foreach ($all_pages as $link) { //Find the modified time. $handle = fopen($link,'r'); $info = fstat($handle); fclose($handle); $modified_at = date('Y-m-d\Th:i:s\Z',$info['mtime']); $modified_before = ceil((time() - $info['mtime']) / (60 * 60 * 24)); $priority = $starting_priority; //Starting priority //If the file was modified recently, increase the importance if($modified_before < 30) { $priority += $modified_priority[$modified_before]; } if(preg_match('/index\.\w{3,4}$/',$link)) { $link = preg_replace('/index\.\w{3,4}$/',"",$link); $priority += 20; } //These priority detectors should be different for different sites :TODO: if(strpos($link,'example')) $priority -= 30; //If the page is an example page elseif(strpos($link,'demo')) $priority -= 30; if(strpos($link,'tuorial')) $priority += 10; if(strpos($link,'script')) $priority += 5; if(strpos($link,'other') !== false) $priority -= 20; //Priority based on depth $depth = substr_count($link,'/'); if($depth < 2) $priority += 10; // Yes, I know this is flawed. if($depth > 2) $priority += $depth * 5; // But the results are better. if($priority > 100) $priority = 100; $loc = $url . $link; if(substr($loc,-1,1) == '/') $loc = substr($loc,0,-1);//Remove the last '/' char. $total_priority += $priority; if($lowest_priority > $priority) { $lowest_priority = $priority;//Find the file with the lowest priority. $lowest_priority_page = $loc; } $priority = $priority / 100; //The priority is given in decimals $xml_string .= " $loc $modified_at $priority \n"; } $xml_string .= ""; if(!$hndl = fopen($sitemap_file,'w')) { //header("Content-type:text/plain"); print "Can't open sitemap file - '$sitemap_file'.\nDumping result to screen...\n

\n\n\n"; print ''; } else { print '

Sitemap was written to '. $url.$sitemap_file .'>

'; fputs($hndl,$xml_string); fclose($hndl); } $total_file_count = count($all_pages); $average = round(($total_priority/$total_file_count),2); } ///////////////////////////////////////// Functions ///////////////////////////////// // File finding function. function getFiles($cd) { $links = array(); $directory = ($cd) ? $cd . '/' : '';//Add the slash only if we are in a valid folder $files = glob($directory . $GLOBALS['file_mask']); foreach($files as $link) { //Use this only if it is NOT on our ignore lists if(in_array($link,$GLOBALS['ignore_files'])) continue; if(in_array(basename($link),$GLOBALS['always_ignore'])) continue; array_push($links, $link); } //asort($links);//Sort 'em - to get the index at top. //Get All folders. $folders = glob($directory . '*',GLOB_ONLYDIR);//GLOB_ONLYDIR not avalilabe on windows. foreach($folders as $dir) { //Use this only if it is NOT on our ignore lists $name = basename($dir); if(in_array($name,$GLOBALS['always_ignore'])) continue; if(in_array($dir,$GLOBALS['ignore_folders'])) continue; $more_pages = getFiles($dir); // :RECURSION: if(count($more_pages)) $links = array_merge($links,$more_pages);//We need all thing in 1 single dimentional array. } return $links; } //////////////////////////////// Display ///////////////////////////// ?> Sitemap Generation Using PHP

PHP Google Search Sitemap Generator Script

Sitemap Created...


files were found and indexed.
Lowest priority of was given to

Average Priority :


You can use this script to create the sitemap for your site automatically. The script will recursively visit all files on your site and create a sitemap XML file in the format needed by Google.

You can customize the result by changing the starting priorities.

Set Starting Priority

Starting Priority :