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Show Popular Posts in WordPress – without a plugin

March 22, 2009 admin 20

A list of the popular posts of the blog is a standard feature in many blogs. There are quite a few plugins that offer this feature. In case you are new to this blog, I am currently working on the Plugin Killer Series – a series of post in which I explain how to duplicate the functionality provided by some wordpress plugins – without having to install the plugin.

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My Windows/DOS Applications

January 21, 2009 admin 0

I got into programming before I got into Linux – consequently, many of my earlier programs were targeted for the windows platform. I want to showcase those apps in this post. I no longer use them – but if anyone finds any of these useful, it wont go to waste.

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Windows Hacks: ‘The Escape’

January 8, 2009 admin 8

What’s the keyboard shortcut to close an application? Yes, its Alt+F4. Its not an easy shortcut to hit. I always thought that the Escape key was a much better shortcut to close applications. Once I convinced myself that it was the ‘One-True-Way’TM, I decided to impose that shortcut on the applications that I use. Metapad and Irfan View already had that option – the other application I had my sight on was the Windows Explorer(explorer.exe). This tutorial will teach you how to add the Escape key as a shortcut to close Windows Explorer.

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WordPress Plugin Week

December 6, 2008 admin 15

As my subscribers already know, the week before last was Plugin Week – that’s when I publish one WordPress plugin per day for one week. And I managed to pull it off too – there is a list of all the plugins released on that week…

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Quartz WordPress Plugin

November 21, 2008 admin 19

Quartz Plugin lets you show random quotes/tips/links/pictures/something else to visitors. These quotes can be added from the admin side. You can add these one by one – or you can bulk import the stuff from a text file.

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Surveys WordPress Plugin

November 20, 2008 admin 271

The Surveys WordPress plugin lets you add surveys to your blog. You can let the visitors take surveys and see the result from the admin side. The user who take the survey can enter their details at the end of the survey – or leave it as an anonymous result.

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Pollin WordPress Plugin

November 19, 2008 admin 35

Pollin wordpress plugin will let you add polls to your blog. It can be shown to your visitors who will be able to vote in the poll. You can add the poll in a post by including the html comment <!– POLLIN 1 –> in the post. Here 1 is the ID of the poll to be shown.

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Autofields WordPress Plugin

November 18, 2008 admin 22

AutoFields Plugin will auto fill the Excerpt and add an Image custom field based on the data you entered into the contents editor. This plugin will set the first paragraph of the content as the excerpt and take the first image(if there are any) and set it as the ‘Image’ custom field(needed for some themes – like Mimbo – my theme). When you hit the publish button, it will check to make sure that excerpt and Image custom field are filled. If not, it will ask you to confirm before publishing the post.